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The BRAIN of a PORN Addict

Nakula Das

It's not just a myth, excessive pornography consumption creates physical changes to your brain. What are the results of these changes?

More than half of men who are jerking off to porn have acknowledged their porn use has caused them problems in life, both in and outside the bedroom. Increased feelings of loneliness, anxiety, depression, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation or interpersonal stress have all been linked to excessive pornography use, which almost all men are doing. Professor Simon Louis Lajeunesse of the University of Montreal in Canada had to rethink his research on porn after failing to find any young men who didn't already look at porn. This means men of all walks of life are watching porn, no one is excluded. Thankfully, movements like #nofap and #semenretention are gaining popularity as men gain the knowledge, strength and courage to walk away from #porn. The results are astounding, I see it everyday with the men I work with inside the Semen Retention Army as they walk away from porn and frequent masturbation. Men are getting back their libido's and strong erections, they are regaining their focus and motivation outside the bedroom as well. Some of my soldiers are hitting well beyond 100 days of abstaining from pornography and masturbation! The positive results are showing up in their money, careers, health and spiritual goals. Read this excerpt I have taken from on what happens to your brain when you watch porn.

Recent research has shown that non-drug addictions such as gambling, binge-eating, and sexual activities affect brain function in ways similar to alcohol and drug addiction. Many addiction studies focus on what is referred to as the pleasure/reward circuitry and their corresponding neurotransmitters - chemicals that are responsible for the communication between neurons. One of the neurotransmitters frequently identified as central to addiction is dopamine. A behavior or drug that produces pleasure induces a rush of dopamine that ultimately "reinforces" that behavior, making it more likely to occur. The amygdala, basal ganglia, and other reward centers play a role in the reinforcement of the activity that produces pleasure.

Changes in the brain's neural pathways are referred to as "plasticity"; and "synaptic plasticity" refers to changes among neuronal connections

  • Research substantiates the idea that porn addiction can alter brain plasticity.

  • Non-drug addictions, like internet and pornography use, may lead to changes similar to those reported with long-term drug use.

Additionally, increased pornography use is associated with:

  • Smaller volume and less activity in the striatum- a region involved in processing rewards- although it is not yet clear if this is due to greater time spent viewing porn, or if people with reduced striatum volume will tend to watch more porn.

  • These individuals also tend to have less connectivity between the striatum and areas of the prefrontal cortex, indicating reduced judgment, decision making, or control over impulsive behaviors.

To make a long story short, when you watch porn you f*ck with your brain and you weaken your capacity to become a strong and successful man. If you are ready to Quit Porn for Good and reclaim your life then register for my upcoming Free Online Training Event. Click the link below to learn exactly what you will learn and to register.

If you have any questions or thoughts feel free to reach out at any time.



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